Monday, May 20, 2013

Poison Ivy Costume Design

In 2012, one of my friends from high school invited me to her themed birthday party. Everyone had to dress up as either a superhero or a super villain, and I chose Poison Ivy. Today I am going to share it with you.

The best part of this costume is what is actually cost me to make!
-2 x $5 T-shirts
-3 for $15 Knee Socks and Tights
-I can't remember how much the plant was that I took the leaves off of, but likely about $5 at Value Village

I am still very very beginner at sewing, and this project was so super simple! If you have any questions about how I made this outfit, or have ideas for your own costume and want some input as to how to put it together, please comment and I will put together a post just for you.

Hair and Makeup is all thanks to my wonderful sister and one of the creators involved in THICKcreations, Arie Miette (Check them out on Facebook). Photography is thanks to my wonderful and very cooperative boyfriend.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Great Falls Montana 2013

I recently went on a trip to Great Falls, Montana with my family, and I want to share my experience with you. 

Going from Canada to the U.S., I wondered if I would actually notice much of a difference between the cultures. Especially because I was just barely going over the boarder... Here are a couple of the things that I noticed.

Bad Coffee....

Now I am not much into coffee so I didn't think that I would even be able to taste the difference. However my mom needs her coffee in the morning and we actually struggled quite a bit to find a coffee shop we could rely on. It took us until the last day or two of our trip to find a Starbucks, which particularly surprised me because from my house I am walking distance from at least 5 of them. One place in particular:

The coffee we got was bad enough that even I threw it out before I had gotten an inch from the top.This could easily be a Great Falls thing and not a U.S. thing. In fact I am kind of counting on it.


What I noticed on every street corner instead of a Starbucks, was a casino! I had never seen so many in such close proximity. In fact look back to that picture of the bad coffee place and there is one right beside it.

Aside from coffee and casinos, I can't really explain how it felt but it was different. Like a different vibe, a slightly different mindset that you just can't really put your finger on. We went to Great Falls for the shopping, which we realized when we got there that we had made a mistake. All in all the trip was not really worth it, especially because the drive there ended up being 3 hours longer than we had anticipated!

In conclusion, here is a picture of my brother and I with a dinosaur

Now I don't get the opportunity to travel very often, so I could be totally off base here.I want to know what you think about what I think. Is there somewhere you think I would like better? Do you disagree with me? What differences have you found between the neighbors?